Gutenberg for WordPress Is Great, But What’s Missing

Throughout its evolution, the WordPress Gutenberg editor has truly come into its own, transforming from a promising concept into a powerhouse of creativity. With each successive release, it has not merely improved but has grown into a dynamic tool, consistently introducing an array of innovative features and tools that elevate the art of website creation to new heights.

Kudos to the diligent minds at WordPress and the Gutenberg project team for their commendable efforts. Their dedication has undeniably paved the way for a more streamlined web development experience. However, in the vast landscape of digital creativity, there remains a charming void waiting to be filled.

As we navigate the labyrinth of website design, it’s impossible not to acknowledge the robust foundation of core blocks that the WordPress and Gutenberg alliance has bestowed upon designers and developers alike. These fundamental building blocks have become the canvas upon which countless digital masterpieces have been crafted. Yet, amidst this cornucopia of creativity, there still exists an eager anticipation for a few missing pieces—those elusive blocks and block settings that would add the final strokes to our digital canvases.

Picture this: a world where the Gutenberg editor not only meets but exceeds our every expectation. Envision a future release where new blocks emerge, each one a beacon of functionality and versatility. From advanced design elements to specialized tools catering to the intricate needs of diverse industries, the possibilities are as vast as the digital realm itself.

So, as we stand at the threshold of each WordPress Gutenberg update, our hearts brim with anticipation. We hope to witness the unveiling of blocks that transcend the ordinary, granting us the power to shape digital narratives with even greater precision. Let these forthcoming releases be a testament to the ever-evolving spirit of WordPress Gutenberg, a testament to the collaborative pursuit of excellence in the realm of website creation. 

A wish list of core blocks or block settings we hope become a reality in 2024:

Hide the Current Post From the Query Block

The first item on our wish list is a new setting for the query block. This setting would allow users to hide the current post from a secondary query within the single template. This way admins can return a list of related posts without showing the post that is currently being viewed. We built this setting ourselves for a recent client project and plan to add it to our future work, but would love for it to be integrated into the core editor.

Filter and Sort Query Blocks

Next, we hope to find a way to sort and filter posts. We have used a few plugins to achieve this in the block editor, but each plugin we have used seems to be flaky and not extendable.

Post Meta Data Block

Our third request is for a single block that can efficiently retrieve and display metadata associated with a post or page. Specifically, consider a scenario where a custom post type, dedicated to team members, incorporates metadata fields for position title, contact information, and years of employment. This unified block would eliminate the need for multiple narrowly focused blocks, ensuring a streamlined approach to showcasing metadata on the front-end.

Interactive Blocks

Lastly, as the interactivity API unfolds its potential, our anticipation is set on the integration of additional interactive blocks, including but not limited to a carousel, tab, and auto-scroll, into the core editor. The introduction of these dynamic blocks could serve as an engaging avenue for crafting novel user interactions, requiring minimal administrative maintenance. While we acknowledge the potential performance implications associated with these blocks, when implemented thoughtfully, they can contribute significant value to a website, enhancing its overall user experience.

These are just a few of the blocks and settings we hope to see. Until that time, our team will continue to develop these blocks ourselves and open them up for others to use.

What blocks or settings are you interested in getting added? Send us a message and let us know. Maybe we can build it for you.